Welcome to the olive oil farm!
Here there will be a lot of very useful information.

Do you want to know how olive oil from a supermarket differs from real extra virgin olive oil? Or what is extra virgin in reality? What are its useful substances, should you fry on it or not, why it is so good to add it to the babies food?

Are you curious to know which oil goes to the salad, which can be added to the meat and what will kill the freshest fish?
During the visit to masseria dedicated to olive production or directly to the frantoio (oil press factory) you will receive all this knowledge.

Why should you do it in Puglia (not in Greece or elsewhere)?

In Puglia there are 60,000,000 (sixty million) olive trees and lots of them are millenial.
Millennial olives of Puglia this is the whole heritage of the region inserted into UNESCO heritage! One of the trees is already 3000 years old! Can you imagine what this tree has seen during all that years. We know all the places and together with our professionals we will be happy to share this Apulian treasure with you.

If you desire to know more about the collecting process, to see with your eyes how the oil is being produced, we will organize you a day in an olive grove and frantoio from middle October till January when the production is in work.


Olive oil degustation of 2 hours starts from 20 euros. Other visits upon request.


Massimo – the owner of a frantoio, olive oil production run by his family


please inform us in case you have any allergies


Booking at a request at least 2-4 day before